Saturday, May 28, 2011

39 Weeks: Never Thought We Would Make It!

So, it's good news: Week 39! We have been so blessed during this pregnancy to be able to make it so far and have such a healthy baby. We are excited to meet him soon!

Here are a few pictures of what we look like:
This is how I feel most of the time now.
 Excited that we get to meet him soon!
 Sorry it's so blurry, but it's the only side one I got that day. It just shows how big we are getting.

We are dilated to a 2 and 90% effaced, so we are just waiting for this little guy to kick it into gear and come meet us! Hopefully we'll see him soon!


  1. Oh wow! 90% effaced! That's AWESOME! Annnnytime now, girl! Can't wait to see pictures of him!

  2. you seriously aren't that big at all!! you look great

  3. Thanks...I am definitely ready to go anytime, but i've been sitting there for almost 2 weeks! We'll see!

  4. You're so close! Congrats! I can't wait to see pictures. (I just found your you mind if I follow it)

  5. You are so cute pregnant. So, will they induce you if you go late? Not that you want to go late, but how awesome is it that you've gone this long!

  6. I would love if you follow Mallory! And Terra, they are going to induce me after I make it to 40.5 weeks, which isn't that far away!

  7. ok.. you do not look 39 weeks.. have you seen me at 39 weeks?? I have to hide in my house so I don't scare the children
