Saturday, April 30, 2011

35 Weeks And Counting!

I am really starting to feel it now! Our little guy has dropped a little lower and feels like he is about to eat my pelvis. I am glad that he is face down and in a good position to come naturally though. The weight gain has been a little hard for me, but as long as he is healthy I am happy!

Here are a few pictures of us a day after week 35!

You can see Neil's reflection in the glass of the photo on our wall! Oh...and see the stripes that I worked on for our living room? I love love love them!
This is in celebration of week 35. We are so grateful to have him growing more and more each week. We have been so blessed during this pregnancy!Go Preston!

So, if you haven't heard we are thinking about naming him Preston Neil Spencer. I am a little hesitant to say that it is for sure until we actually meet him and see if he even looks like a Preston. We do have a few names on back-up just in case he comes out and has no "Preston-like" features. (I'm not really sure what those are, but I assume we will know when we see it, haha).


  1. I'm so happy for you!! You look fantastic! Girl I hear ya on feelin him in your pelvis. My 10 1/2 pound peanut was giving me major pressure the last two weeks! Again, I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see pictures of him!

  2. you're almost there! I can't believe it. What a blessing to have made it this far! We are SOOO excited for you guys :-)

  3. If he is anything like Neil, watch out, cuz he might really eat your pelvis! "More mum, mum!" But I hope it's all going well, you are in my prayers every day!

  4. I think you still look amazing! I laughed reading Dean's comment because that was what Neil said as soon as he could talk. For real... "More Mum Mums."
