Friday, April 8, 2011

And We Are Here: Week 32!

I did have my doubts at times, however...the proof is in the puddin'. We have indeed made it to week 32 today! I had some major contractions last night that really freaked out my husband, but they stopped at 4 and hour and seemed to slow down. We hope to keep this little guy in there as long as possible, so we are trying to keep life low-key for now.

Here are some photos as an update to what we are looking like now:

Look at that! We are no larger than ever...which is fun at times, and can be quite uncomfortable at others. is good!

Week 32 baby! oh yeah!

Last Friday we spent about 6 hours in the Dodgeville Hospital taking a 3 hour Glucose test to see whether or not I had Gestational Diabetes. My first 1 hour test came out positive, so we had to go on and do the second. The test started out just fine, and then at the 2nd hour test I passed out after she took my blood. I have to say she did try three different veins, which might have had an affect on my passing out problems. I also had to go in fasting, which doesn't seem to go well with me even when I'm not pregnant. When I passed out the nurse called in another nurse from the emergency room because I was pregnant. As I came to I found the two nurses kind of argueing a little bit about whether or not I should drink and eat something. One nurse said, "...but she needs the sugar and food to help her feel better, to bring her heart rate up." And then the other said, "...but then she will have to do the test all over again, and we don't want to do that." As I was coming to I said that I think I was okay, and probably just needed to lay down. So, I didn't eat anything but ended up sleeping for the last hour. After they did the last test and had bruised me up pretty good I ate a few things and drank some water before moving. Luckily Neil was there to help me walk to the car and get going again.

We did find out that I do not have gestational diabetes. I am so grateful for this! I was really worried that I might have diabetes because of how affected by sugar I have been. However, I have felt much better lately as I really watch what I eat and try not to eat too much sugar at one time. I am so grateful for modern medicine!


  1. Contractions can be caused by lots of things, even something as simple as being dehydrated, so make sure you have extra fluids in you these last few weeks!

  2. You look super cute! That's great news that you don't have gestational diabetes. I had to do that test when pregnant with both boys, and I hated it! We'll pray for you (and keep our fingers and toes crossed just in case) that he'll stay in as long as he can. We can't wait to see pictures of your little guy in 5-8 weeks.

  3. When I was pregnant with Mike I had a lot of contractions (in the end 3 weeks overdue), your mom told me, trust me you'll know when it is a real contraction. Boy was she right. Tell Neil, relax, we'll know when they'll real! Just ask Uncle Mike if you don't believe me.

  4. 32 weeks! Way to go!
    I'm glad everything turned out okay. I hate those tests. You're almost done and then you won't have so many needles poking you all the time! :)

  5. Way to go!!! That's good news! That glucose test is terrible!! I almost threw up from drinking that thimg and freaked out about the drawing blood! ha! I added you to my blog list!

  6. HEY!!! WE DIDNT KNOW YOU HAD A BLOG!! now we can keep up with you guys! 32 weeks!!! good job!!! you are almost there :)

    ~Jill Webb
